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Verniciatura efficiente e di qualità. Pompa a pistone pratica e compatta dotata di maniglia per verniciare oggetti di dimensioni da piccole a . Under the designation Project Pro WAGNER has developed a completely new equipment category especially for challenging projects which occur regularly and . Wagner Project Pro 1Airless paint sprayer.
Ideal for big jobs that require a professional result. Suitable for wall paints, lacquers and stains . Find Wagner Project Pro 1Extra Airless Paint Sprayer at Bunnings Warehouse. Visit your local store for the widest range of paint decorating products.
PROJECT PRO 1EXTRA La pompa a pistone ProjectPro 1è il compagno ideale per piccoli e medi progetti in nuove costruzioni, rinnovamenti e . Wagner Project Pro 1comes with Spray Tip supplied 0. Max tip size this unit will take is 0. The powerful ProjectPro 1can work with quite different materials: including emulsions and latex paints for walls, ceilings, basement . Wagner Project Pro 11 chez nous, avec rallonge, buses et filtres comprises d’une valeur de 26€.
WAGNER Project Pro 1- 0418B- Safety Information. Never put your fingers, hands or any other parts of the body into the spray jet! Wagner Project Pro 1Compact Piston Pump – now buy online with ease from Conrad.
Pistola per verniciatura Wagner Airless Sprayer ProjectPro 117: scopri tutte le caratteristiche, acquista online o trova il punto vendita più vicino per acquistare! De Wagner Project Pro 1verfspuit is een handige vrijstaande elektrische verfspuit met praktische draaggreep, dat dankzij zijn compacte afmetingen en lage . Acquista qui le spese di spedizione. Pompa a pistone pratica e compatta dotata di maniglia per verniciare oggetti di .