Haunter è un Pokémon fantasma di colore viola e dal corpo tondeggiante con due mani separate dal corpo con tre dita ciascuna spesso . Haunter is a purple Pokémon with a gaseous body. It has a round head with a pair of disembodied hands.
Each hand has three pointed fingers. Se lo si vede far cenni mentre fluttua nell’oscurità, è meglio fuggire, poiché il Pokémon cercherà di leccare il malcapitato e . It evolves from Gastly starting at level and evolves into . Pokédex entry for #Haunter containing stats, moves learne evolution chain, location and more! Omega Ruby, Haunter is a dangerous Pokémon.
If one beckons you while floating in darkness, you must never approach it. This Pokémon will try to lick you with . Learn Where To Catch Haunter In Pokemon Go. Haunter – Pokemon Sun Pokemon Moon: Name Type Category EV Yield Haunter Gas Pokemon Sp.