Spreeder gratis

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Paste the text you’d like to speed read here: Welcome to spreeder! To begin, you can paste the contents of what you’d like to read here, or just click the spreed! Instantly add anything to your Spreeder cloud library, speed read anywhere, and .

Most readers have an average reading speed of 2wpm, . Spreeder è un programma che velocizza la lettura. Se invece vuoi leggere questo blog a velocità super, molto meglio usare Spreeder: scopri come funziona. Come ho imparato l’inglese gratis.

Same concept as RSVP Reader but with this one you copy and paste the text into a window on their webpage. Explore websites and apps like Spreeder, all suggested and . To read slow is like waiting to be asleep. Here is an online tool called Spreeder which can train your mind to get rid of subvocalization and backtracing, by increasing the reading speed on the screen .