Spritz any page on the web with the official Spritz bookmarklet. A bookmarklet is a piece of software that you use in conjunction with your browser to interact with webpages. We created the Spritzlet to help people spritz the . Change the name to something of your choice – perhaps ‘Spritzlet’ or ‘Read with Spritz’. Next, erase the URL shown and paste the bookmarklet . Spritzlet, the free browser add-on, allows you to read the text of any Web page at a pace of up to 0words per minute. Ringraziamo l’amica e collega Laura per averci segnalato Spritzlet, applicazione free, che permette di velocizzare la lettura del testo presente . Spritzlet is a free cross browser bookmarklet to speed read any website.
It is compatible with all browsers, including Internet Explorer. Quante volte al giorno desideri di: 1) premere il tasto PAUSA; 2) far fare stretching al tempo e guadagnare qualche ora; 3) chiudere gli occhi e . Thriller d’azione con Scarlett Johansson e Morgan Freeman, Lucy racconta la storia di una donna casualmente coinvolta in loschi affari ma comunque in grado . I’ve increased the speed to 4WPM now that my brain has adjusted to it and I feel like I’m getting the gist of . Quante volte al giorno desiderate di: 1) premere il tasto PAUSA; 2) far fare stretching al tempo e guadagnare . The internet was a-flurry a while back around new speed reading technologies such a Spritz. Donald Clark captured a lot of the . Setup-Panel via 3-Stroke Button in upper left corner – New File-Open Panel – too big characters in speed-read bar fixed!
Not a fan of reading a tome on a computer screen, too many other distractions to get you thru the content that really want to read? The Spritzlet only works on content published in HTML. Readsy is a great, free service that allows you to spritz PDFs.
Spritzlet Bookmarklet Englisch: Mit dem kostenlosen Spritzlet-Add-In lesen Sie Texte in Ihrem Browser schneller.